Statues and Stillness

As I look over my notes, I hope to pass on a few.

The first are those I took while reading David Getsy’s “Acts of Stillness: Statues, Performativity, and Passive Resistance” (click HERE for full citation):

“Muteness incited the desire to control, to ravish, to protect…”

“The physical boundary is eliminated by the intent to be touched…”

“The stillness of statues may be lamented, but it is nevertheless enjoyed for its reinforcing the motile viewer or artist’s power over that statue.”

“[there is a] theater of power relations between active viewers and passive statues.”


And then Sartre in his essay “The Quest for the Absolute”:

“For three thousand years sculptors have been carving only cadavers.”


Finally, one from David Freedberg in his Power of Images:

“The long gaze fetishizes, and so too, unequivocally, does the handling of the object that signifies.”

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